Thanks for the effort
Thanks for the effort
Very good explanations
This is an amazing app
Its a great work. However, a lot of spelling mistake is there. It needs urgent edited updates.
Jazakum Allah Khayr for all the apps you guys have designed!!! This is one of my favorites and the Adan one is crazy good too n free!!!! People if u have this app make sure to check all the others apps designed by the same people u will love them all! Salaaam
Why isnt there any info on the Authors of this book and where did these stories come from? Hayaatus Sahaba by Shaykh Muhammad Yusuf Kandhelvi should be the book to use. I have seen an online PDF version in many languages. Tones of typing errors.
May Allah reward you. A lots of typing errors. Please correct
Love this app.. But I wish there was a mention of hazrat Ali (AS) too ...
Mashallah good app. May Allah reward you both in this world and hereafter.
Thanks to the people that created this app it is a great learning experience for and I love it. May Allah bless the people who created this app. But I also think that they should more sahaba.
The idea behind this app is great, but programming doesnt allow it go beyond a great idea. Each story clicked closes the app. No errors, no explanation. Im not sure if this is mistake in an update or what but would love for this app to work again since the stories sound interesting.